Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope 

The Latin American Journal of European Studies, a publication from the Latin American Center for European Studies (LACES), was established with the support of the “Building RIghts and Developing KnowledGE between European Union and Latin-America – BRIDGE” project. This initiative is a part of the Jean Monnet Network and continues to receive support through the Jean

Monnet Network Policy Debate titled “BRIDGE Watch: Values and Democracy in EU and Latin America.” Both projects are funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission. The purpose of the journal is to contribute to the studies of European Union Law and Policies from an analytical, critical, and axiological perspective of the European integration process and the relevant contexts of its international relations with third countries and, especially, with Latin America. We collaborate with the mission of creating new knowledge and building bridges for dialogue and exchange of good practices between regions, always aiming at promoting economic and social development, peace, and international security. 

The journal is intended not only for the academic community but also reaches legal and political institutions, as well as other actors in civil society, considering the successes that the European integration process has already achieved in several areas and which can serve as examples of good practices for other regions. The journal is published every six months (published in June and December) in digital format. It receives original and unpublished articles. 

The aim is to disseminate scientific articles, jurisprudential comments, critical reviews, and interviews in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, all analyzed by the double-blind peer review system. 

All works submitted to the journal must be related to one of the following Editorial Lines: • European Union Law and Policies 

  • International Relations of the European Union with third countries and Latin America 

In addition to publishing manuscripts related to the Editorial Lines, each issue of the journal also includes a thematic dossier on a specific subject indicated by the Editors, aiming to debate current and relevant topics for European integration and the international community as a whole. The journal is governed by Editorial Policies. Instructions for manuscript submission can be found in Online Submissions and Author Guidelines. 

◦ Section Policies 

All works submitted to the Latin American Journal of European Studies are indexed, peer reviewed, and open for submissions. 

◦ Articles

The journal accepts original and unpublished scientific articles and jurisprudential comments that meet its Editorial Line, written by up to three co-authors, with at least one of them pursuing a PhD or Master’s degree. Articles should contain between 15 and 25 pages and follow the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. 

◦ Dossier 

Each issue will feature a thematic Dossier, organized by the journal’s editorial team on a current and relevant subject pertaining to the Editorial Line. Manuscripts published in the Dossier must follow the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines for the publication of Articles. 

◦ Critical Review 

The journal welcomes reviews of books published no more than 2 (two) years ago. Works will be evaluated by the Editorial Board considering the following criteria: (i) relevance of the work; (ii) quality and critical approach of the review; and, finally (iii) relevance of the work to the scope of the journal. Reviews must be original and contain between 2-6 pages, with specific development and references, following the formatting indicated in the Author Guidelines. Merely descriptive reviews of works will not be accepted. 

◦ Interview 

The journal publishes interviews with experts on topics related to one of the areas of its Editorial Line, which will be evaluated by the Editorial Board considering the following criteria: (i) relevance of the interviewee; (ii) quality and methodological approach in conducting the interview; and, finally (iii) relevance of the interview to the scope of the journal. Interviews should preferably contain between 2-6 pages and be unpublished, with specific development, following the formatting indicated in the Author Guidelines. 

◦ Peer Review Process 

Scientific works submitted to the Latin American Journal of European Studies undergo mandatory pre-screening by the responsible Editors (submission review), who verify the content compatibility with the adopted Editorial Line, as well as methodological and structural aspects outlined in the Author Guidelines.

After the submission review, the works are subjected to qualitative evaluation through “double-blind peer review” conducted by at least two reviewers who are members of the Scientific Council, belonging to Brazilian and foreign universities. 

The reviewers’ evaluation includes 03 (three) different positions regarding the manuscript: • Fit for publication: the manuscript is fit for publication in the journal. Reviewers may suggest adaptations to the work, but changes are not mandatory.; 

  • Fit for publication with mandatory corrections: the manuscript will be fit for publication provided the author makes the corrections indicated by the reviewer(s). The revised text must be resubmitted to the journal and undergo review by the reviewer(s) to certify the mandatory corrections requested. 
  • Rejected for publication: the manuscript is not fit for publication in the journal. To become fit for publication, the article must not have received any reviewer’s rejection. In case the author disagrees with the qualitative analysis presented, they may justify their 

position to the Editorial Committee, which will decide whether it is appropriate to submit the work to a new round of evaluation. If the Editor-in-Chief maintains the position of the reviewers, the journal reserves the right not to publish the article. The progress of the process will be communicated to the author by email. 

To ensure the integrity of the “double-blind peer review” system, the identities of authors and reviewers cannot be revealed during the submission process. This requires authors, editors, and evaluators to take precautions with the text and document properties when submitting them through the system, with the author removing any references to their identification in the Word file. The journal observes the exogeneity of 80% of scientific articles for each issue. 

◦ Open Access Policy 

In line with the parameters proposed by the Jean Monnet Activities and best publishing practices, the journal offers immediate open access to its content. We understand that the free provision of scientific knowledge to the public promotes worldwide democratization of knowledge. 

Works published in the journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY NC). 

THE JOURNAL adhere to Open Access DOAJ definition, that allows for immediate free access to the work and permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.

◦ Frequency and Publication Costs

The Journal receives articles in continuous flow, with the editions being closed every six months, in the months of June and December. There is no charge for publishing fees (article processing charges – APC) or article submission fees. 

◦ Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest 

Every manuscript sent to the Journal and to the reviewers will be considered a confidential document and will be treated accordingly. The reviewers who have declined the invitation to evaluate a work must also consider it as a confidential document. Reviewers may not use unpublished works for their own research without the prior and express consent of the authors. The reviewers will decline the invitation to evaluate a manuscript in cases where they know the identity of the author and have a direct employment or personal connection that may compromise their impartiality. 

◦ Submissions 

The entire process of submitting articles to the journal is exclusively done online, through the portal www.eurolatinstudies.com. Those interested in submitting their work must fill out the submission form available on the website, following the specified guidelines to ensure the article meets the journal’s standards.” 

◦ Conditions for submission 

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission’s compliance with the rules set out in the Guidelines for Authors for the production of their works. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors. 

◦ Copyright 

By submitting your work to the Journal, you are automatically assigning copyright to the Journal for an indefinite period. Therefore, the Journal may exhibit, publish, reproduce, store and / or use the work in any other way. The assignment is made irrevocably and irreversibly, free of charge (without any type of remuneration, burden or charge to be paid to the author (s)), in favor of the Latin American Journal of European Studies. To this end, you declare that the submitted work is original and unpublished, as well as not being analyzed in any other editorial submission process.

You authorize the publication of the manuscript by the Journal, in a virtual and / or printed form, and you are aware of the non-remuneration due to its publication, and you cannot demand any copyright of a patrimonial nature. Also, as an author, you have civil and criminal liability for the content of the published work. Your work can be accessed by any interested party and can be reproduced and / or published as long as the appropriate reference is made for the purpose of disseminating academic scientific production, in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY NC modality). 

◦ Privacy Policy 

The personal information shared with this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. To know more about our Privacy Policy, click here. 

◦ Ethical Principles 

The Latin American Journal of European Studies is committed to ensuring the ethics and quality of published articles and observes best practices in publishing and research ethics in accordance with internationally established guidelines. 

All parties involved in the publication – authors, editors and reviewers – are expected to behave ethically according to the values of the scientific field. 

◦ Editors 

The Editors of the Latin American Journal of European Studies are responsible for evaluating the manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit, therefore, all submissions are processed following the standard procedure adopted by the journal. An editor should not use information not published in his own research without the express consent of the author. The Editors adopt and follow fair and consistent procedures in the event of ethical or conflict situations, in addition to giving authors the right to respond to the evaluation decisions to which they are submitted. Editors are always able to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions or excuses when necessary. 

◦ Reviewers

The reviewers that make up the body of evaluators of the Latin American Journal of European Studies must treat each manuscript as a confidential document, being forbidden to retain or copy the manuscript. Evaluations must be conducted in an objective way, the observations must be clear and with solid and constructive arguments so that the authors can use them to improve their manuscripts. Evaluators should not accept to analyze manuscripts with which they have any conflict of interest and should immediately inform the Editor if they identify content with suspicions of plagiarism and self-plagiarism, that is, substantially similar to the one under review. 

◦ Authors 

Authors who submit their scientific papers to the Latin American Journal of European Law and Policies (Latin American Journal of European Studies) are responsible for fulfilling the journal’s requirements and the ethical and methodological requirements contained in the Guidelines for Authors. The authors assure that the submitted work is entirely unpublished and original, unless it has been published in another language and in another country, in which case it must be mentioned that this is a version of an article already published in another foreign journal. Sending originals simultaneously to more than one magazine for publication will be considered dishonest and unacceptable behavior and will result in non-publication of the work. Likewise, plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. The manuscripts are evaluated by peers to guarantee the quality of the scientific publication and undergo screening prior to distribution to the evaluators, at which time in addition to the analysis of the pre-evaluation criteria, a plagiarism software is used.