The Latin American Center of European Studies (LACES) is composed by Latin American and European academics, lawyers and stakeholders, LACES aims to promote reflection on European and regional law in its international, comparative and historical dimension, under a critical and interdisciplinary bias, as well as to foster academic and institutional cooperation between the two continents.
All the activities carried out by the LACES are based on three lines of research, which are:
1) European Union Law
The current line of research aims at analyzing European Union Law and its homeland and foreign policies, by a both synchronous and diachronic perspective, the legal international cooperation with non-EU countries, especially in relation with Latin American, as well as the issues related to the incidence of the integration process in the law of member states.
2) European Law and regional legal harmonization
Is aims at analyzing issues such interchange of legal models between European and Latin American countries, specially trough judicial dialogue, also by projects and processes of regional legal harmonization, and themes related to juridic translation and law multilingualism that can serve as good practices for other regions.
3) Promotion and protection of Human Rights
It envisions to study and to deepen the theme related to the promotion and protection of human rights from a regional comparation perspective between European and Latin American systems, in addition to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Among the activities carried out, the following are highlighted:
– Bringing together scholars from both continents;
– Coordinate the edition and publication of the Latin American Journal of European Studies;
– Coordinate the Observatory on European Studies;
– Hold events with visibility for civil society, as well as meetings aimed at the academic community;
– Promote academic and higher education, as well as institutional and professional training.
– Act, as amicus curiae, before national and international judicial bodies, where appropriate.