Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Revista Latino-americana de Estudos Europeus

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Revista Latino-americana de Estudos Europeus

Publicado: 2022-08-03

O Latin American Journal of European Studies (ISSN 2763-8685) é uma publicação do Latin American Center of European Studies, criado a partir do projeto BRIDGE do Jean Monnet Network com financiamento do Programa Erasmus + da Comissão Europeia. Com foco nas linhas editoriais sobre Direito e Políticas da União Europeia e Relações Internacionais da União Europeia com países terceiros e América Latina, a quarta edição da Revista conta também com um dossiê temático sobre Diálogos sobre desenvolvimento econômico e sustentável entre a UE e países terceiros, organizado em conjunto com Walter Arévalo-Ramirez da Universidad del Rosario (Colômbia). A quarta edição da Revista está aberta para submissões até 01 de novembro de 2022.

Edição completa



O Latin American Journal of European Studies (ISSN 2763-8685) é uma publicação do Latin American Center of European Studies, criado a partir do projeto BRIDGE do Jean Monnet Network com financiamento do Programa Erasmus + da Comissão Europeia. Com foco nas linhas editoriais sobre Direito e Políticas da União Europeia e Relações Internacionais da União Europeia com países terceiros e América Latina, a quarta edição da Revista conta também com um dossiê temático sobre Diálogos sobre desenvolvimento econômico e sustentável entre a UE e países terceiros, organizado em conjunto com Walter Arévalo-Ramirez da Universidad del Rosario (Colômbia). A quarta edição da Revista está aberta para submissões até 01 de novembro de 2022.

Aline Beltrame de Moura, Naiara Posenato, Walter Arévalo-Ramírez



Indústria Fast-Fashion; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Acordos Internacionais


Este artigo visa avaliar a situação dos aterros a céu aberto em algumas regiões do mundo e avaliar o seu impacto nas expectativas da União Europeia (UE) de alcançar um padrão de desenvolvimento sustentável. Traça interseções de teorias do comércio internacional, do direito europeu, e do princípio do desenvolvimento sustentável com a prática dos principais atores globais, centrando-se na UE. As zonas de aterros em países terceiros dão espaço para questionar as oportunidades e ameaças que o bloco europeu enfrenta para alcançar a sustentabilidade ambiental e como os próprios países da Europa, enquanto importadores e exportadores de vestuário do segmento fast-fashion, são co-responsáveis pelo drama ambiental enfrentado por outros países que lidam com estes produtos, que se tornam um desperdício. O objetivo desta investigação é portanto analisar a eficácia do princípio do desenvolvimento sustentável na fase final da cadeia de produção de vestuário de fast-fashion, procurando trazer uma análise centrada no direito internacional e europeu. Quanto ao método de investigação aqui adotado, é desenvolvido através de análise bibliográfica e documental e de um estudo de caso. O desenvolvimento do trabalho está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro procura comparar as convenções ambientais sobre o tema. O segundo capítulo analisa o ciclo de produção de vestuário de moda rápida, os países e entidades envolvidas, e a acentuada produção de resíduos num panorama de transações internacionais. O último capítulo procura examinar as ações da UE para conter práticas semelhantes, onde existe responsabilidade no mercado europeu e internacional por danos cometidos ao ambiente também em países terceiros. Conclui-se que existe um possível êxito europeu na promulgação de uma diretiva de due diligence com um âmbito específico para refrear as práticas de mercado que produzem continuamente produtos e se isentam da responsabilidade pelo seu destino final, ignorando assim a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente.

Andreas R. Ziegler, Amon Elpídio da Silva


Public Private Associations; budget limits; sustainable economic development.


Without acknowledging that Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a contracting model that allows economic development, it is necessary to investigate the budgetary measures adopted in the case of the European Union and Colombia to prevent its use as a tool to transgress the budgetary limits of public indebtedness. To this end, in this article a qualitative and analytical methodology will be used to: i) identify the importance of establishing and complying with budget limits for economic development, ii) expose the dilemma that exists between the satisfaction of public needs and the fulfillment with budget restrictions, iii) analyze PPPs as an alternative to solve the aforesaid problem and iv) point out the budgetary measures adopted by the European Union and Colombia that impact the PPP contracting model. According to the information gathered it will be shown that in Colombia, despite the existence of some budgetary limitations for PPPs developed by territorial entities, the same restrictions are not foreseen for national entities and it will be confirmed that in the European Union there is the possibility of including in debt service the PPPs when the transfer of risk and rewards of infrastructure relies on the public partner, while in Colombia this possibility has not been considered.

Laura del Pilar Poveda Parra


Ecocentrism; Regime of Exceptions; International Economic Law.


This article intends to carry out an analysis that concerns the dynamics whit which International Economic Law, based on some provisions contained in its own regime, intends to exclude obligations that have been interpreted from other perspectives and that have been interpreted from other perspectives and that, over time, have gained prominence in international law discussion forums. The specific cases are limited to those settled in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body and the ICSID Appellate Body, all in relation to the interpretation generated in other systems from an alternative perspective and that may have a final impact for Europe, to finally seek a precedent-setting relationship such as the ICJ Whaling Convention (Australia v. Japan). It will seek to define from the CILT, the spirit whit which the exceptions contained in Article XX of the GATT emerged., which allows us to see an approach to the ecocentric approach that prevails today in a part of the world and that will soon be the dominant paradigm.

Sergio Esteban Díaz-Botero, David Orlando Barbosa Villota


Commerce, Culture, Neogramcian theory; Constructivism.


This article aims to theoretically understand the cultural trade debate from the tension between the countries of the North and the South. Due to the above, the text is divided into two parts, the first of which is constituted by a conceptual framework around culture, and the second part tries to be a communication bridge between the neo-Gramscian theory and the constructivism of norms.

Miriam Dermer


Mercosur; EU; Sustainable.


Our research is based on the Chapter on Trade and Sustainable Development of the Strategic Association Agreement reached between MERCOSUR and the European Union (EU) in 2019, first of all we show history and a review of the normative bases of both integration schemes as well as the development they achieved in matters related to sustainable development. The objective of the work is study the difficulties and convenience of this agreement mainly for MERCOSUR in relation to economic development and sustainable development, with the possibility of changing the current production process in order to guarantee compliance with the environmental requirements that this agreement demands, fundamentally that they are consistent with the proposals and objectives of the European Green Deal. Likewise, the work will take into account the studies carried out by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in relation to the effects of climate change in both regions. At the end, the current situation of the agreement is described and a solution proposal is made.

Gisela Soledad Escobar González


Multilateralism; sustainability; sustainable development; EU Agreement; Mercosur; precautionary principle.


Observing the international universe, and the circumstances that make it up in the early years of this still young 21st century, it is interesting to approach the analysis of multilateral processes, both those that gave rise to the formation of multilateral organizations of a global nature and those that allowed the formation of regional integration processes between states, such as the EU and Mercosur. But when analyzing the processes of economic integration, which in general have the purpose of fomenting, improving or promoting economic development, today it is unavoidable to consider a variable that is the fundamental basis for this sought-after development, this variable present today in the actions and human concerns of all nature, is sustainability, not only environmental sustainability but sustainability as the axis of all commercial economic development. In this sense, in the present work we try to define the scope of the term sustainability, investigating it to know its treatment in the international order and its role in international trade. Once the central concepts that make up sustainability have been defined, the work will address the analysis of sustainability as a contributing factor in the search for balance in relations between States in the international order and in particular those economic and commercial relations that seek economic development and a joint economic growth where sustainability begins to be present as a defining factor of these relationships. Next, the article will investigate one of the Strategic Association Treaties between regional blocks of great importance, such as the European Union and Mercosur, which with its ratification would allow the formation of a market of more than 800 million consumers where sustainability becomes to be today an essential element for the definitive consolidation of this important Agreement. In order to complement the analysis of this Agreement and put it in context within the argumentation that this work proposes, an analysis of the Trade and Sustainability Chapter included in it will be carried out in the final part, considering it as a topic of great interest and a clear example related to the main theme of the work, and this is the way and manner in which the European Union relates to third States or Groups of Integrated States.

Liliana Bertoni


Fair Trade; Conscious consumerism; Sustainable agriculture.


This paper aims to investigate the existence of a correlation between the European and Latin American conceptions of Fair Trade and the promotion of sustainable agriculture, especially from the perspective of encouraging a conscious and an ethical consumerism. The research was pure and qualitative. The approach method was the inductive reasoning and the procedure method, the monografic. The research techniques used were documental and bibliographical analysis. It was observed that Fair Trade is a plural movement, with several conceptions and manifestations, and that it covers the various stages of trade: from production to consumption. It was found that, despite having multiple dimensions and conceptions, Fair Trade is a relevant ally in the struggle for a qualitative transformation of consumption habits. In a scenario of political consumerism, by advocating for the transparency of consumer information about products that are harmful to the environment and health, Fair Trade helps the development of sustainable agriculture and the overcoming of the harms promoted by the traditional trade model.

Guilherme Domingos Wodtke, Maurício Dal Pozzo Schneider, Thyago de Pieri Bertoldi


Migration; Global Compact on Migration; European Compact on Migration.


The general objective of the article is to address the intrinsic relationship between migration and development, starting from the premise that migrating is a human right protected by international treaties and conventions and that the right to development is also a human right. In turn, the specific objective of the article is to analyze the externalities of the Global and European Pacts on Migration in the Global South to identify the existing discrepancies between the documents and whether they are constituted to promote or to stop safe, orderly and regular migration, an idea in which the relevance and justification of the work is concentrated, since the States exercise sovereignty to stop the entry of immigrants into their territories. The deductive method was chosen, with the technique of indirect documentation and the procedure of analysis of doctrine and legislation. The article intends to register an important scientific contribution on the externalities to be investigated, in order to answer the following question: are the Global and European Pacts on Migration effective in providing orderly, safe and regular migration in the world or are they just documents to stop migratory flows from the Global South?

Claudia Loureiro , Thiago Paluma


Environmental Mediation; Globalization; European Union.


The world in the 21st century is in continuous and frank transformation. Changes are increasingly occurring in a number of segments, including legal and environmental. The increase in environmental problems is a reflection of a risk society (Beck), whose behavior is incompatible with the balance of the environment and which brings to the international community an important alert for debates involving the public, private and social entities. organized civil society. Problems such as global warming, desertification, transnational pollution and food security are examples of some of the global concerns that affect everyone. In this global scenario, environmental mediation emerges as an instrument that can help those responsible, with the impacted society, to point out the problems that go beyond national borders. Environmental mediation, in a global order, is an option where actors involved in the debate and the problem will rely on negotiation techniques where all parties are well placed to best solve the problem, where the economic sector wins, which lacks environmental resources for development, society that lacks an ecologically balanced environment and the environment itself that cannot be exploited without threatening its balance and species. This article will address environmental mediation in a globalized society and especially as it exists in the European Union. In this scenario, the aforementioned legal institute, promising for the consensual settlement of conflicts, must be interpreted and analyzed in the light of the Constitution and from the global perspective of receiving this methodology, which can be implemented extrajudicially and contribute to the decongestion of the Judiciary in all. its segments, especially in environmental causes.

Marcus Luiz Dias Coelho


This study aims to analyze the Proposal for a Regulation on Nature Restoration (PRNR) of the European Parliament and the Council published on June 22, 2022, which brings proposals for legally binding targets on nature restoration, within the context of a new post-2020 legal framework for biodiversity protection. The research is made based on the European Ecological Pact and its contribution to climate change mitigation, specifically its EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 (EBIO), as well as from the assessment of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Aichi Targets and what has been discussed for the COP-15. Then, the coordination between the EU biodiversity governance framework and the post-2020 framework proposed by the Parties to the CBD is examined. It starts with the following problem questions: Have the actions of the European Union (EU) been relevant to the fulfillment of the commitments assumed in its EBIO in the context of the PEE? Will the recently published PRRN help in the discussions surrounding a possible new global agreement on biodiversity after COP-15? Such questions will guide, respectively, topic 1 and topic 2. The methodology of the research will be deductive, descriptive and exploratory, through literature and documental analysis. As results, it was found that there was a delay in fulfilling the EBIO commitments. However, there was progress regarding the proposal of legally binding targets in the PRNR. A new global agreement for biodiversity is being outlined in the meetings for COP-15, and, despite the ambitious objectives, there is lack of political will and high-level leadership to close the most important points in time for the 2022 Conference. The study showed that efforts to conserve biodiversity cannot leave traditional communities aside throughout the processes of change.

Tarin Cristino Frota Mont´Alverne, Maria Cecília Girão Veras Lima


World Trade Organization, multilateral negotiations, bilateralism.


The article analyzes the role of multilateral negotiation blocks within the WTO and the different coalitions of States in negotiation scenarios, as well as the reactions to them by the European Union and the United States. The article studies the tension between bilateral and multilateral interests in the Doha Round and other recent negotiating scenarios. In the first place, this phenomenon is analyzed in the field of agriculture, the subsidies inherent to the activity, the position of the most developed States, the limitations in negotiation events by the blocks that emerged as opposed to those. Secondly, an analysis of the phenomenon in the field of intellectual property is carried out, the restriction that States have suffered to defend and protect their initial claims in the matter and other recent cases such as the discussions on patents during the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19.

Laura Victoria García-Matamoros , Walter Arévalo-Ramírez


SDGs; sustainable development; ecological economics.


The legal principle of sustainable development has a long and debated history. Its application is no less conflicting. However, after the publication of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations, its legal existence and the mandate for its implementation are unquestionable. Principle 12 of the SDGs is critical to achieving this. The discussion on new patterns of production and consumption is essential to ensure sustainability and life on Earth. For this, it is necessary that not only States but also companies, especially transnational ones, should be held accountable. Only through a new logic of production and consumption can we start a more sustainable life. In this regard, the principle of sustainable development, due to its normative force and wide international recognition, is fundamental to guide the necessary changes in production and consumption patterns to reverse the accelerated process of extinction that we are experiencing, as a result of the habits acquired as a result of the expansion of industrial society.

Cristiane Derani



Artificial Intelligence; Copyright; Intellectual Property.


Investments in sophisticated technologies have enabled the creation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems capable of reproducing the behaviour of the human brain, with the ability to learn, decide and even create intellectual works. This technological reality drew the attention of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU), which began to pressure the development of research on AI and Intellectual Property (IP), to identify the best legal solutions to the factual situation of works generated by non-human agents. Responding to this call of the Parliament, this monograph proposes to investigate the feasibility of protection of intellectual works generated by AI systems in Brazil and the EU, based on current legislation, jurisprudence, and doctrine. To this end, the monograph is based on the hypothetical-deductive method, starting from a comparative approach, and divided into three main parts. The first part is destined to present the fundamental notions of AI and copyright. After this introduction, the second part assesses whether works generated by AI systems qualify as intellectual property subject to copyright protection, based on the case study of the painting The Next Rembrandt, identifying the issues related to the attribution of rights to human and non-human agents involved in the creation process. Finally, the third part is destined to examine the legislative proposals and governmental solutions suggested in Brazil and in the EU on the matter. Based on the acknowledgement of the insufficiency of traditional provisions to protect works generated by AI systems, it is concluded that the European Intellectual Property Office’s proposal for the elaboration of a sui generis system seems to be the most adequate solution to protect works generated by AI in Brazil and in the EU.

Sofia Frischenbruder Sulzbach


Mudanças Climáticas; Justiça Climática; Limites Planetários; Economia Ecológica.


As crises ambientais, sociais, humanitárias e econômicas fazem parte do mundo contemporâneo. A extrapolação dos limites da Terra se materializa de diversas formas, entre elas as mudanças no clima, cujos efeitos já causam impactos em diversas regiões do planeta. Embora o tema seja discutido há décadas, sendo objeto de extensa regulação jurídica internacional, há áreas com grande potencial para ações de mitigação e adaptação às alterações climáticas ainda pouco exploradas. Embora o ordenamento do comércio internacional tradicional seja insuficiente para promover o bem-estar e a preservação da vida na terra, há campo fértil para a colaboração entre os regimes do comércio internacional e de combate às mudanças climáticas. O Pacto Ecológico Europeu, lançado como projeto político de transição ecológica, tem objetivos e repercussões econômicas e comerciais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é evidenciar as desconformidades do Pacto Ecológico Europeu em relação aos parâmetros do direito ecológico, considerando suas repercussões no comércio mundial. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, com finalidade descritiva, método de abordagem dedutivo e interpretação axiológica. Da análise do Pacto Ecológico Europeu partindo parâmetros selecionados do direito ecológico, constatou-se que, embora reflita avanços na instrumentalização do direito ecológico, o projeto político se constitui como mecanismo para a manutenção de poder, reproduzindo a lógica capitalista dominante, o que reduz seu potencial transformador no processo de transição ao paradigma ecológico.

Ana Victória Klovrza Diogo.


Asylum; Gender based violence; European Union.


In the midst of the so-called “crisis” of refugees in Europe, it is imperative to identify the particular challenges faced by refugee women and girls, in order to assess the effectiveness of public policies implemented for this social group. Assuming that there is specific violence suffered by refugee women, this article consists in a case study of refugee reception policies by European Union States between 2015 and 2021. Mobilizing Feminist and Decolonial theoretical approaches to International Relations and Subaltern Studies, it is concluded that direct and indirect violence is being perpetrated against refugees in EU countries. Thus, this work argues that public policies for refugees in the EU do not sufficiently reduce this situation of violence. The regional norms for the reception of refugees from the European Union, however, grant wide discretion to the Member States to implement public policies of this nature, which results in dissonances between the reception standards in each State. The reality of insufficiency and inefficiency of reception policies carried out by EU Member States on issues of gender-based violence, consists of a type of institutional silencing and the reproduction of subalternity. 

Vera Lúcia Viegas-Liquidato



Entrevista con Mikkel Hall, Consejero en la Embajada de Dinamarca en Bogotá

Vera Lúcia Viegas-Liquidato